Thursday, 27 August 2020

What's in store? 

Die Zeit als Kristall

Vor acht Jahren sagte der Physik-Nobelpreisträger Frank Wilczek die Existenz von Zeitkristallen voraus. Diesen seltsamen Materiezustand haben Wissenschaftler jetzt im Labor hergestellt – und die Grundlage für eine neue Technologie geschaffen..... go to the link to continue reading!

Incredible space age stuff: But remember how we smiled at the flat screens they had in Star Trek and/ or similar epics. In 1969 an 'expert' said that the world would never need more that 5 computers. OK. Go further back. I seem to remember smoking having been declared healthy! 

So what next? It is now being claimed that the coroma virus will never go away. Survivers will need frequent vaccination to keep them immune since a vaccine against the corona virus will only be active for a short time.
It's hard to believe anything these days.

No wonder people rebel at intrusions in their habits and preferences (without regard for anyone else).  Science changes it's mind according to the results of research. Politicians do their own thing (see Boris U-turns or the claims made by Trump. Boris has made 11 U-turns on the corona virus logistics - he wrote 2 areticles for the Telegraph - one for and one against Brexit - getting it done now is his pure vanity and thoughtlessness (and the stupidity of all those who still think it's a good idea).. While the US wallows in a depression and mourns its dead, their president claims everything is going fine and the US is now thriving! His wife is all for truth in politics, so normally she would have ditched Trump years ago if vanity had not kept her at his side (!).
But 'normal' citizens are dependent on science to keep us alive and relatively well, and on politicians to keep us alive!
Back to the drawing board. I have hundreds of pens of various types and colours. About 40 of them are green according to the labels - but they depend on light for their colour (don't we all?). I also have a green summer jacket. It's in the car in case I need it. But it is grey in the car. So at home I have a green jacket, but elsewhere I have a grey one.
A German adage translated goes 'all cats are grey at night'.
Getting to the point, that is exactly why racism should not be tolerated anywhere at any time.That isn't the only argument. Children are born equal, but some are more equal than others, as demonstrated by the  Brit education system, which delegates children from socially weak or poor families to the back of the queue.

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