Saturday, 2 June 2018

What did you say?


What's that?

Another delicious word from one of the illustrious word-of-the-day sites I get delivered every day in an attempt to keep up my English while I speak mostly in German. So what does it mean:
1. lustful or sensual and 2. eagerly desirous

A thesaurus can advise you on synonyms, some of which are rather obscene and should be used with care, while this one has an educated air about it, though it is a down-to-eath adjective. 
As a writer, I'm always looking for them. Words, I mean. The right one sometimes escapes me since I don't use that many in speech, but would like to see a variety of vocab. in my book chapters and  I fancy I could use this adjective. It actually describes quite a lot of people I know or used to know. I don't count myself in. 
I don't think anyone would use or even have used that word to describe me. I'm not sad about that. There something prmiscuous about the word. That's because it immediately reminds one of 'concubine', a word I have used in a novel and a role I have only played on the operatic stage - and even if that was not strictly true, I would hardly own up to it, would I? 
I found the word too late to describe persons (women) I have seen off (killed off) in a literary way, so I might have to create one to fill the description. An inspiring thought.
Maybe I'll wait and see what tomorrow has to offer. I wonder if concupiscent can be used to describe men? If not, what is the equivalent? I can think of some, but they are not very nice.
Food for thought: The word concupiscent has been around since the 14th century, and I'd never heard it before. I suppose its one of the  hundreds of thousands that I don't know.

I'm curious to see if the word exists translated into German:It does, as "lüsternd", which can be used to decribe a man probably more appropriately than "sinnlich" which you could translate as "sexy", but in the example I found it was used to decribe something culinary being served in such a way. I'm sure that is not the last word spoken o this word and I doubt wether even the miost artistic of chefs would decribe his culinary artworks as concupiscent.



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