Tuesday 13 July 2010

Summer with a vengeance

Having updated all the other blogs and even redesigned my website, I'd better just drop a few lines here, too. 
As the title suggests, we are having a tropical heatwave at the moment. Fortunately, it's cooler today - but only for one day - and yesterday saw thunderstorms, hurricanes (with lethal casualties) and many people collapsing from the heat, especially if they were travelling on intercity trains whose air conditioning was not working. The coolest place is my car after the air conditioning has been on full spin for a few minutes, but of course, I can't drive around all day, so it's been a case of battening down the hatches and drinking gallons of water.
Despite the extreme heat, I drove about 100 km to attend a workshop last Saturday. 6 hours painting in about 200% humidity! Good for acrylic painting as the paint usually dries much faster, but otherwise very strenuous. I was absolutely shattered by the time I got home. I hadn't had any lunch apart from a banana, so I called in at a Macdonald's for some portable goodies and ate them in the car. That saved the cooking, too! 
The results of the mammoth painting session are not as good as I'd like them to be and I must admit that much of what the very talented Turkish artist had to say was familiar to me, but his work is very interesting - mainly surreal and painted with passion - so it was an enjoyable and worthwhile outing and has encouraged me to carry on painting after I've lacked real motivation for some time. Let's hope the effects last long enough for me to achieve something. I hope to go there again in September.
I've posted the beginning of a story on my writing blog. Now I'm going shopping while it's still cool. 

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