Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Final curtain?

I thought it was on Dcember 13th 2021 when an ambulance eventually found me and took me to hospital. I was given a hefty dose of a painkiller that left me wondering if I was already dead. I decided it wasn't so bad to die. After that, I remember nothing for the next 3 days. Then I woke and remembered why I was in a post-operative room. I did not know then that 1 in 10 died of the injury but sure that it would not have mattered. But that sounds terrible and is not really how I feel. I am grateful that I did survive! Not quite 5 months later, my 3 broken ribs are definitely mended and I can walk though I limp heavily unless I use a stick or a crutch, the latter being more comfortable. The accident triggered off arthritis, but let's not talk about that, though it isn't good timing to have knee problems when you are learning to walk. I have had to learn to accept my age, but otherise try not to think about it. No more health bulletins. This one is really for me, since I doubt whether anyone sees this blog and to be honest, I had also forgotten it and came across it by accident this morning. When I wrote the last entry, the virus was still unfolding. Now many of us have had 4 jabs and vaccination is widespread, though a percentage don't understand why they should get vaccinated. You can still catch a strain of the deadly Covid vrus, but the outcome is almost always a mild cold or flu. It's anyone's guess what happens otherwise. I read last night that the death toll has passed 1 million in the USA. Horrific! *** I won't write about the horriific invasion of Ukraine, There is non-stop reporting and the cruelty and sadism of the Russian instigator are the work of insane greed and power. *** Thanks to the pandemic, my chorus work stopped and will not start up again. *** Should you find this blog and read it, it would be nice to have some feedback.

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