Sunday, 10 December 2017

Kelly's Secret

I have just all but re-written this ovel. It started out as a harmless cleanup, but I made a lot of changes. I plan to work over all the Miss Price novels (listed on the right), but I'm already thinking in terms of the 12th in the series and making notes as ideas come to me. Revising former novels helps because some of the characters appear in all the books and there are now too many of them to remember all the details. For that reason things do change with the revision. The end of this novel is not the same. The crimes have all been solved, but there is a short romantic episode to close the procedings. "Tbe Beachhut Murders" is now revised and instead of shortening it, Clarifying certain points required another 9000 words, so it is now quite long (over 109 000 words).
My next revision should be "The Choral Killings" because that is the most recently written novel and is still more or less a draft! But I'm keeping my options open.

And yes, it's my most absorbing way of using my time so I'll just carry on regardless ....

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