Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Trick and/or treat

I came across this in the Guardian:

I think that says it all about the brexit farce.

Halloween and the witches and brexiters are abroad... No they aren't! Abroad is foreign and foreign is one of the coups brexit is about. Out with all or most EU foreigners, in with the treats (gained by trickery, bluff and the Westminster goon show?).

Maybot/Mayhem and her acolytes have not yet realized that the EU politicians are onto the deceit and lies the tories have been spreading around in the name of sovreignty, freedom from foreign justice and  too much more to mention.

Leaving the EU means that the UK can again ignore health warnings on food, fish the North Sea empty and ..... I give up. At least I am not answerable for it all since I am an expat of nearly 52 years and therefore have no rights beyond that of being allowed to take up residence there. But I can't because I could never afford the cost.

So I'll stay here in Germany, if they'll let me, and hope I live to see the day when the UK gets its just (brexit) deserves. I know that's schadenfreude, but it sort of balances out the shame I feel for the decadent brexshit mentality that allows the country to go to the dogs.

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