Sunday 14 July 2013

Dancing at too many weddings!

The title of this post is a translation of a German saying. I seem to be spreading myself rather thinly over my activities. After an enthusiastic start I haven't taken any time for more aquadoodling until I made an effort this morning after coming across an old Indian stamp I once bought at a street market. I wish I'd bought more than one! They were used in Indian print shops to put designs on fabric. I expect countless women wore the silk or cotton saris made with this design. 

The aquadoodle was first stamped with watercolours painted on the wood (the checked bits), then I added soft and oil pastels and watercolour paint. Nothing special about the doodle. It was done in a rush, but at least I now know it's still possible to print with the carved wooden stamp, though it is very worn and bits have chipped off at the edges.

I must stress that aquadoodling is fast and furious - set aside 15 minutes to complete one. The results are experimental and certainly not proper paintings, but often open up ideas.

Indian stamp

cutout 1

cutout 2